The cover image of an Easton, PA NAACP debutante ball program from 1970, featured in the LVEHC Digital Archive.
Project description
As a partner on the Lehigh Valley Engaged Humanities Consortium (LVEHC) Andrew W. Mellon foundation grant, Digital Scholarship Services spearheads a regional digital archive representing collection-building efforts at Lehigh Valley public libraries, cultural heritage institutions, and college campuses. The archive will remain in progress through the conclusion of the grant in June 2021. The range of materials collected in the archive will include oral histories, family photographs, business documents, historic maps, ephemera, material objects, and other primary source materials that document diverse ethnic and immigrant communities, emergent economies in the de-industrial era, relationships between culture and the environment, and other topics. The archive provides primary sources for educators, scholars, students, and others who wish to explore transformations of the past half-century in the Lehigh Valley.