Omeka S and Scalar are open source web publishing platforms supported for campus use by Digital Scholarship Services and the Lafayette College Libraries. They are great tools on which to build digital exhibits and interactive digital humanities scholarship among other uses.

Digital Scholarship Services (DSS) provides the following baseline of support to all students, faculty, and staff interested in working with the web publishing platforms Omeka S or Scalar for digital projects and scholarship.

DSS commits to:

  • assist with the creation of user accounts.
  • assist with the creation of a basic, uncustomized, and unpopulated site.
  • connecting you to supplementary reference materials on the use and functions of the platform.

DSS Staff is also available by appointment to provide:

  • a single 1-2 hr general training session on the functions and features of the platform, either for an individual or a group of users.
  • consultation on most effective use of the platform for your intended purposes, and to make recommendations.
  • technical support. Response time and depth is subject to staff availability.

Specifically for Omeka S, DSS provides these additional services: 

  • creating an item collection entity associated with your site to help manage items added to your site.
  • configuring your site for your item collection and any multiple users.
  • creating a metadata template for your collection based on consultation with you, the site owner, and assigning that template to all relevant users.

Get started today by contacting DSS through the DSS Preliminary Request Form.

For more extensive and in-depth support incorporating these platforms into course/assignment designs, or developing a digital humanities project on these platforms, please apply to the DSS Collaborative Support Program.

Use of Omeka S and Scalar is subject to Lafayette College’s Acceptable Use Policy. Click here to read the Acceptable Use Policy.