Bibliography for “description.citation” field in East Asia Image Collection records

Aboriginal Peoples of Taiwan 台湾の原住民. Postcards: sets 1-5. n.d. Zhuanye Taiwan bentu chuban jijiang 専業台湾本土出版機構, printed by 前衛出版社. Purchased at Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Culture Park, Pingdong, Taiwan, December 15th, 2007.

Barclay, Paul D. Gaining Trust and Friendship in Aborigine Country: Diplomacy, Drinking, and Debauchery on Japan’s Southern Frontier. Social Science Japan Journal 6,1 (April 2003):77-96.

Barclay, Paul D. Peddling Postcards and Selling Empire: Image-Making in Taiwan under Japanese Colonial Rule. Japanese Studies 30,1 (May 2010):81-110.

Barclay, Paul D. ‘Nihontsū’ no me o tsūshite mita Taiwan: Taiheiyō sensō chokuzen ni Amerika ryōjikan ga shūshū shiteita ehagaki to shashin (Formosa through the Consul’s Eyes: Postcards from a ‘Japan hand’ on the Eve of the Pacific War.’ Trans. Naoko Ikegami. Taiwan Genjūmin Kenkyū (Studies on Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan) 12 (2008):85-112.

Blundell, David, ed. Austronesian Taiwan: linguistics, history, ethnology, and prehistory. Taipei, Taiwan: SMC, 2001.

Cai, Yida 蔡易達 and Nagayama, Hideki 永山英樹. Taiwan o shiru: Taiwan kokumin chugaku rekishi kyokasho 台湾を知る: 台湾国民中学歴史敎科書. Tokyo: Yūzankaku Shuppan, 2000.

Chen, Chi-lu. 臺灣排灣群諸族木彫標本圖錄 (Woodcarving of the Paiwan group of Taiwan). 台北市: 南天書局, 1961.

Chen, Chi-lu. Material Culture of the Formosan Aborigines. Taipei: Taiwan Museum, 1968.

Chen, Guoqiang 陳國強; Lin, Jiahuang 林嘉煌. 高山族文化. Gaoshan zu wen hua Shanghai: Xuelin chubanshe, 1988.

Cho, P’ung-yǒn. Sajin ǔro ponǔn Chosǒn sidae 사진으로보는朝鮮時代 [Yi-Dynasty Through Pictures]. 2 vols. Seoul: Sǒmundang, 1996.

Chung, Shu-min 鍾淑敏. Zhi chan fang lue: Taiwan chan ye kai fa, 1895-1945 殖產方略: 台灣產業開發=The schemes of production: Taiwan’s industrial development. Taibei Shi: Li hong chu ban she, 1997.

Collection Paul Wirz 1936, © Dadi Wirz & Musée d’ethnographie de Neuchâtel.

Dali Kagei 達利卡給. Gaosha wang guo 高砂王國. Trans. Naogeihe Youbashi 游霸士撓給赫. Taizhong Shi: Chen xing chu ban you xian gong si, 2002.

Deng, Xiangyang 鄧相陽. Wushe shi jian 霧社事件. Taibei Shi: Yushan she, 1998.

Fujii Shizushi 藤井志津枝. Rizhi shiqi Taiwan Zongdufu lifan zhengce 日治時期臺灣總督府理蕃政策. Taipei: Wenyingtang chubanshe, 1997.

Fujisaki, Seinosuke 藤崎濟之助. Taiwan no banzoku 臺灣の蕃族 (Taiwan’s Aboriginal Tribes). Tokyo: Kokushi kankōkai, 1931.

Gao, Yuanyuan 高淵源. 臺灣原住民高砂族の奇習と傳說. Taibei Shi: Xiang cao shan chu ban香草山, 1976.

Hong, Yinsheng 洪英聖. 台湾先住民脚印: 十族文化伝奇 (Taiwan’s early inhabitants’ footsteps: the culture and legends of the ten tribes). Taipei: shibaowenhua, 1993.

Hsu, Tsang-houei. Taiwan: Music of the Taiwan Aborigines. Revised and Updated by Wang Ying-fen. In The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Vol. 7: East Asia: China, Japan, and Korea, edited by Andrew P. Killick, et. al. New York and London: Routledge, 2002.

Historical Postcard Series 2007. Postcards purchased in December, 2007, in Taipei, Taiwan. Imprint: 台湾歴史影像TAIWAN系列明信片Taiwan Historical Postcards Series台湾伝承.

Ide, Kiwata 井出季和太. Taiwan chisekishi 臺灣治績志. Taibei: Taiwan nichi nichi shinpōsha. 1937.

Ikuta, Makoto 生田誠. 2005 Nihon ehagaki katarogu 2005日本絵葉書カタログ. 東京:里文出版, 2004.

Jiang, Zhengmin 蔣正民. 臺灣土著血緣. Taipei, 1993.

Kano, Tadao and Kokichi Segawa. An Illustrated Ethnography of Formosan Aborigines. vol. 1: The Yami. Tokyo: Maruzen Company, Ltd. 1956.

Katsuyama, Kichisaku 勝山吉作. Taiwan shōkai saishin shashinshū 臺灣紹介最新写真集. Taihoku, Katsuyama shashinkan, 1931.

Kōgo Eriko. 向後恵里子. ‘Nihon ehagaki: Nichiro sensōki ni okeru ehagaki buumu to suisaiga buumu o megutte’ [Japanese Picture Postcards: On the Watercolor Painting and Picture Postcard Booms of the Russo-Japanese War Period]. Waseda Daigaku kyōiku-bu Gakujutsu kenkyū 58 (February 2010):59-90.

Kuo, Chen-ti and Chien, Wei-ssu. Viva Tonal-The Dance Age (Videorecording). Taiwan Stream Media Technology, Inc., 104 minutes, 2004.

Kurosawa, Takatomo 黑澤隆朝. 台灣高砂族の音樂 (The music of Takasago tribe in Formosa). Tokyo: Yūzankaku, 1973.

Kwǒn, Hyǒk-hǔi 권 혁희. Chosǒn esǒ on sajin yǒpsǒ [Postcards from Korea] 조선 에서 온 사진 엽서. Seoul: Minǔmsa, 2005.

Lai, Chih-Chang 賴志彰. Taiwan cheng xiang ju luo: Peng lai jiu zhuang 蓬萊舊庄: 台灣城鄉聚落=The Abodes in the Bygone Era: Taiwan’s Town and Country Settlements. Taibei Shi: Lihong chubanshe, 1997. Series: Taiwan yingxiang lishi xilie.

Lee, Chin-hsien 李欽賢. Si tu huiying 斯土繪影, 1895-1945=The drawings of that land: the interpretation of Taiwan (1895-1945). Taibei Shi: Lihong chubanshe, 1997. Series: Taiwan yingxiang lishi xilie.

Li, Qianlang 李乾朗. 20 shiji Taiwan jianzhu 20世紀台灣建築. Taipei Shi: Yushan she, 2001.

Li, Qianlang 李乾朗. 19 shiji Taiwan jianzhu 19世紀台灣建築. Taipei Shi: Yushan she, 2005.

Lin, Daosheng 林道生. Yuan zhu min shen hua yu wen hua shang xi 原住民神話與文化賞析. Taipei Shi: Han yi se yan, 2003.

Liu, Jinghao 劉馨豪et. al. Haiguo tu suo: Taiwan ziran dili kaifa 海國圖索: 台灣自然地理開發 (1895-1945) = The landscapes of the island country: the development of natural geography of Taiwan (1895-1945). Taibei Shi: Lihong chubanshe, 1996. Series: Taiwan yingxiang lishi xilie.

Lynn, Hyung Gu. Moving Pictures: postcards of colonial Korea. IIAS Newsletter 44 (Summer 2007):8-9.

Macdonald, Phil. National Geographic Traveler: Taiwan 2d. ed. Washington, DC: National Geographic, 2007.

Malas Aborigines Handicraft Postcard. Colorized postcards, reproduced from Japanese originals with new Chinese/Japanese/English captions on the back, original captions on the front. Purchased at Chiang Kai-shek airport, 2000.

Masuda, Fukutarō 增田福太郎. Takasagozoku no keisei kenkyū高砂族の刑制研究. Reprint: 台北市: 南天, 1996: Original: Tokyo: Daiyamondosha, 1944.

Matsumoto, Akemi 松本曉美 and Xie, Senzhan 謝森展. Taiwan huai jiu 1895-1945 臺灣懷舊 1895-1945 (Nostalgic Old Taiwan 1895-1945). Taibei: Chuang yi li wen hua shi ye you xian gong si, 1990.

McGovern, Janet B. Montgomery. Among the head-hunters of Formosa. London: T.F. Unwin, 1922.

Miyamoto, Nobuto 宮本延人, Kokichi Segawa, and Toichi Mabuchi. Taiwan no minzoku to bunka 台湾の民族と文化. Tokyo: Rokkō shuppan, 1987.

Miyamoto, Nobuto 宮本延人. Taiwan no genjūminzoku: kaisō watakushi no minzokugaku chōsa. 台湾の原住民族: 回想私の民族学調查. Tokyo: Rokkō shuppan, 1985.

Monanen Malialiaves. “Ah Neng’s Critique.” positions 8,1 (2000):179-200.

Mori, Ushinosuke 森丑之助. Taiwan banzoku zufu 臺灣蕃族圖譜. 2 vols. Taihoku: Taiwan Sōtokufu Rinji Taiwan Kyūkan Chōsakai, 1918.

Museum of the Institute of Ethnology at Academia Sinica. Color brochure. Obtained in 2003.

Nihon chiri taikei 日本地理大系 (An Outline Geography of Japan). Tokyo: Kaizōsha, 1930.

Nihon Jun’eki Taiwan Genjumin kenkyukai 日本順益台灣原住民研究會. Inō Kanori shūzō Taiwan Genjumin eizō 伊能嘉矩收藏台灣原住民影像. Taihoku: Jun’eki Taiwan Genjumin hakubutsukan: Nanten sho kyoku, 1999.

Pan, Ying 潘英. Taiwan yuanzhumin zu de lishi yuan liu 台灣原住民族的歷史源流. Taibei Shi: Taiyuan chuban she, 1998.

Riban no tomo 理蕃の友 (Friends of Aborigine Administration [periodical]). Original: Taihoku: Taiwan sōtokufu keimukyoku ribanka, 1932-1943; Reprinted version: Tokyo: 綠蔭書房, 1993.

Ruan, Changdui 阮昌锐. Wenmian, Guoshou, Taiya Wenhua 文面・馘首・泰雅文化 (Tattoos, Headhunting and Atayal Culture). Taibei: Taiwan bowuguan, 1999.

Seibanya honten 1930. Taiwan taikan 台湾大観 (An Overview of Taiwan). Yokohama: Seibanya honten, 1930 (printed May 2).

Shaughnessy, Edward L. China: Empire and Civilization. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Shi Ming 明史. Taiwan jin yonhyaku nen shi台湾人四百年史. Tokyo: Shinsensha, 1994.

Shih, Tsui-feng 施翠峰. 臺灣原始藝術研究 (The primitive arts of Taiwan). 宜蘭縣五結鄉: 國立傳統藝術中心, 2005.

Shimada Kenzō. Checklist of Japanese Commemorative Picture Post Cards 日本記念絵葉書総図鑑 カラー復刻版. 日本郵趣出版, 2009.

Sinica Taiwan History 2007 (台湾史研究所図像資料庫) [accessed December 2007]

Soyama, Takeshi 曽山毅. Shokuminchi Taiwan to kindai tsūrizumu 植民地台湾と近代ツ-リズム. Tokyo: Seikyōsha, 2003.

Storey, Robert. Lonely Planet Taiwan. Footscray, Victoria, Australia: Lonely Planet Publications, 2001.

Suzuki, Hideo 鈴木秀夫. Taiwan bankai tenbō 台灣蕃界展望. Taihoku: Riban no tomo, 1935.

Suzuki, Sakutarō 鈴木作太郎. Taiwan no banzoku kenkyū 臺灣の蕃族研究. Taihoku: Taiwan shiseki kankōkai, 1932.

Suzuki, Tadasu 鈴木質. Banjin fūzokushi 蕃人風俗誌. Taihoku: Riban no tomo, 1932.

Suzuki, Tadasu 鈴木質. Taiwan fanren fengsuzhi: 臺灣蕃人風俗誌: 探尋原住民的歷史. Revised by Lin Chuangfu林川夫. Taipei Shi: Wuling chuban gongsi, 1991.

Taiwan sōtokufu kōtsū kyoku tetsudō-bu henshū. Taiwan tetsudō ryokō annai 臺灣鐵道旅行案內. Taipei, 1932; 1938 [revised, updated and distinct from 1932 edition].

Tenri sankōkan minzoku-bu 天理參考館民俗部. 台灣原住民の服飾 (Exhibition of costume of the Taiwan aborigines in the collection of Tenri university museum). Tokyo: Tokyo Tenri kyōkan, 1966.

Tian, Fuda田富達; Chen, Guoqiang 陳國強. Gaoshanzu minsu高山族民俗. Taipei Shi: Minsu chubanshe, 1995.

Tian, Zheyi 田哲益. Taiwan de yuanzhumin. Taiya zu 臺灣的原住民. 泰雅族. Taibei Shi: Taiyuan chubanshe, 2001.

Tian, Zheyi 田哲益. Taiwan yuanzhumin de shehui yu wenhua 台灣原住民的社會與文化. Taipei: Wuling, 2001a.

Tian, Zheyi 田哲益. Taiwan yuanzhumin shengming lisu 台灣原住民生命禮俗. Taipei: Wuling, 2003.

Tsuchida, Shigeru, ed. Ogawa Naoyoshi, Asai Erin Taiwan shiryō kenkyū 小川尚義浅井恵倫台湾資料研究 (Research on the Historical Materials of Ogawa Naoyoshi and Asai Erin). Tokyo: The Asai/Ogawa Project at the Asian and African Languages Research Institute, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2005.

Tung, Masegseg C. 童春發, ed. Gao sha chunqiu: Taiwan yuanzhumin zhi wenhua yishu 高砂春秋: 台灣原住民之文化藝術 =The exquisite heritage: the culture and arts of Taiwan Aborigines. Taibei Shi: Lihong chubanshe, 1996.

Wang Ying-fen. “Music and Chinese Society: Contemporary Taiwan.” In The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Vol. 7: East Asia: China, Japan, and Korea, edited by Andrew P. Killick, et. al. New York and London: Routledge, 2002.

Xia Jingning 夏靜凝 et. al. Witness: The Colonial Taiwan 1895-1945 見證 –台灣總督府, 1895-1945 Vol. 1. Taibei: Li hong chu ban she, 1996.

Xie, Shizhong 謝世忠. Taiwan yuan zhu min ying xiang min zu shi臺灣原住民影像民族史: 賽夏族. Taipei Shi: Nantian shuju, 2002.

Xu, Wenqin 徐文琴. Taiwan mei shu shi台灣美術史. Taipei Shi: Nantian, 2007.

Yamaguchi, Osamu 山口修. Taiwan rekishi sanpo 台湾歴史散歩 (An Historical Walking Tour of Taiwan). Tokyo: Yamakawa shuppansha, 1991.

Yamazaki, Kaneichirō. 台湾の風光. Wakayama: Self-published, 1934.

Yang, Mengzhe 楊孟哲. Taiwan li shi ying xiang 台灣歷史影像 (Historical images of Taiwan). Taibei: Yi shu jia chu ban she, 1996.

Yao, Tsun Hsiung. Images of Taiwan as Visual Symbols in Official Propaganda Media During the Japanese Colonial Period. Bulletin of the Japanese Society for the Science of Design 54, 1 (2007):59-68.

Yoshioka, Ikuo. 吉岡郁夫. Shintai no bunka jinruigaku: shintai henkō to shokujin. 身体の文化人類学: 身体変工と食人. Tokyō: Yūzankaku 雄山閣, 1989.

Yu Sŭng-hun 유승훈. Sajin yŏpsŏ ro ponŭn kŭndae p’unggyŏng 사진엽서로보는근대풍경[Scenes of Modern Korea Viewed through Postcards]. 8 vols. Pusan Kwangyŏksi : Pusan Pangmulgwan ; Sŏul-si: Minsogwŏn, 2009.

Yuasa, Hiroshi 湯淺浩史and Kōkichi Segawa 瀨川孝吉. Segawa Koōkichi Taiwan senjūmin shashinshi. Tsuō hen /瀨川孝吉台湾先住民写真誌: ツオウ篇. Tokyo: Moritani Shōkai 東京: 守谷商会, 2000.

Zhan, Sujuan 詹素娟, Zhuang Yongming and Pu Zhongcheng. Taiwan yuan zhu min 台灣原住民 =Portraits of the aboriginal in Taiwanese history. Taibei Shi: Yuan liu chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si, 2001.

Zhang, Liangze張良澤and Ueno Keiji上野恵司. Formosa: 台湾原住民の風俗. Tokyo: Hakuteisha, 1985.

Zhang, Rongyi 张荣义. Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village 九族文化村. Nantou: Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village, 1996.

Zheng, Chantal 白尚德. Yingguo zhang lao jiao hui xuan jiao shi yu Taiwan yuan zhu min zu de jie chu, 1865-1940 英國長老敎會宣敎師與台灣原住民族的接觸, 1865-1940. Taibei Shi: Shun yi Taiwan yuan zhu min bo wu guan, 2004.

Zhonghua wen hua fu xing yun dong zong hui 中華文化復興運動總會 (Wu, Zhenyue 吳振岳; Chen, Bizhu 陳碧珠). Di 1 jie shanbao yishuji meishu tezhan 第一屆山胞藝術季美術特展. Taipei, 1992.

Zhuang, Yongming 荘永明. Taiwan shi ji hui wei: 1895-2000 台灣世紀回味: 1895-2000 = Scanning Taiwan vol. 2. Taibei Shi: Yuan liu chu ban gong si, 2001. (vol. 3/2002).

Zhuang, Yongming 荘永明. Renshi Taiwan, huiwei: 1895-2000 認識台灣, 回味: 1895-2000 = Scanning Taiwan vol. 4. Taibei Shi: Yuan liu chu ban gong si, 2004.